Alex Rodriguez & Cynthia Scurtis

The former baseball star Alexander Enmanuel Rodriguez, or better known as A-Rod, married his wife Cynthia Scurtis in 2002. It would make sense that the pair met each other in a Miami gym since he was an athlete in his prime. The relationship deteriorated over time and took a big hit when Alex was hit by scandals and allegations left and right. Ultimately, Cynthia couldn’t handle it anymore and asked to part ways in July 2008, citing emotional abandonment and extramarital affairs being the main reasons.

Prior to the two breaking up and splitting their investments, they had two kids, both girls. The older one, Natasha Alexander, was born in November 2004, two years after Alex and Cynthia got married. Meanwhile, the second one, Ella Alexander, was born in April 2008, just months before their split happened. So far, the former partners make it seem like they are making it work for the children’s sake.
